What to do if you get banned from WhatsApp?

What to do if you get banned from WhatsApp?

What to Do if You Get Banned from WhatsApp – How to Fix ‘This Account Is Not Allowed to Use WhatsApp’ Issue

If you're using a modified version of WhatsApp or third-party apps, you're likely to encounter the error 'This account is not authorized to use WhatsApp'. If you see this error, your account has been banned. 🚫

But what happens after your WhatsApp account is banned? Is there any way to lift the ban? Let's discuss the 'This account is not authorized to use WhatsApp' error in detail. Let's get started! 🔍

Why do I get the error 'This account is not authorized to use WhatsApp'?

The error 'This account is not authorized to use WhatsApp' usually appears when your account is banned. If you see this error, unfortunately, your account has been blocked. 😢

The reasons behind the ban can be varied, as WhatsApp considers several details before apply a ban on your account.

There are two types of bans on WhatsApp: Temporary and Permanent. Temporary bans are for a limited period of time, while permanent bans are for life and cannot be lifted.

Why does WhatsApp ban accounts?

According to WhatsApp, there are practices that can lead to a temporary or permanent ban of the account. Here are the main reasons why WhatsApp bans accounts without warning. ⚠

Unwanted messages or spam messages are often the main reasons for an account ban.

If a contact asks you to stop sending them messages, it is best to remove them from your contact list. contacts and avoids contact you again.

If you use third party apps for sending messages If you send automated and continuous messages to your contacts, you are inviting trouble. Automated or bulk messages are not allowed on WhatsApp, which can lead to an account ban.

It is not allowed to use contact lists that are not yours on WhatsApp. If too many contacts report your account for sending them messages, you may end up banned.

  • Sharing Prohibited Content

Like others messaging apps Instantly, WhatsApp does not allow users to share prohibited content. This includes scam links, adult content, hate speech, and anything else considered illegal online.

WhatsApp also prohibits sharing malicious files as attachments. If WhatsApp detects that you share virus or malicious content, your account may be permanently banned. 🚷

Many users have already seen their WhatsApp accounts banned due to the use of WhatsApp Mods. Mods like GBWhatsApp and WhatsApp+ offer better features but come with risks of security and privacy. Use applications Modified WhatsApp passwords may lead to a permanent account ban.

These are some of the main reasons for WhatsApp account bans. If you don't want to lose your account, it's best to avoid these practices. 🛑

What can you do to regain access to your WhatsApp account?

If you encountered the message 'This account is not authorized to use WhatsApp' on the application, that means your account is already banned. If it was temporarily banned, you can get it back.

However, if your account has been permanently banned, there is no way to recover it. In case the ban is permanent, there is a very low chance of a banned account being recovered. Here are some of the best ways to recover a banned WhatsApp account. 📱

1. Make sure you are using the official WhatsApp app

One of the main causes that triggers the message 'This account is not authorized to use WhatsApp' is the use of WhatsApp Mods.

WhatsApp Mods bring new and exciting features, but they can also cause problems. WhatsApp does not allow the use of modified versions of the application, and if it detects such situations, it immediately bans the account. 😠

Therefore, if you frequently encounter ban issues while using WhatsApp, it would be better to stop using modded apps. Also, it is recommended to download the WhatsApp app directly from Google Play Store or Apple App Store and avoid third-party sites. 📥

2. Submit the review and wait

Submit the Review and Wait

If you are unable to use your WhatsApp account, it is likely that you have violated some of the terms and conditions.

If you see the review screen, you need to submit the review and wait between 10-12 hours.

Your review will be sent to the WhatsApp support team. If your account was banned due to wrong reports or spam, you will get it back. ⏳

3. Recover your WhatsApp account – Contact Support

If you want your WhatsApp ban lifted quickly, contact the WhatsApp support team and ask them to review your account.

This method is cash only if WhatsApp banned your account by mistake. So, if you think that your WhatsApp account was banned by mistake, you can follow this method. 💡

1. Open your mobile web browser and visit the page of WhatsApp Contact.

2. In the screen From WhatsApp Contact, select WhatsApp Messenger Support.

WhatsApp Messenger Support

3. Now fill in the details, such as your WhatsApp-linked phone number, email address, device and message.

fill in the details

4. Explain why your account should be restored in the message. Describe your problem and click on it Next step.

Explain your issue

This will send your appeal to the WhatsApp Support team. They will review your banned WhatsApp account and unblock it (if applicable). 🎉

WhatsApp Temporary Ban Recovery

Those seeking help to get unblocked from WhatsApp quickly should email the WhatsApp support team. If your WhatsApp account is temporarily banned, send them an email explaining your problem.

Please provide as much detail as possible in your email. This will help the WhatsApp Support team investigate your issue. However, sending an email to WhatsApp will only work if your account was banned by mistake.

If you did something that is not allowed in the app, the chances of getting the ban back are very low. 📩

WhatsApp email support: [email protected]

Ask for help via Twitter

Take Help from Twitter

Another way to connect With WhatsApp it is through Twitter. You can try this if you are not receiving an email response from the WhatsApp support team.

Open Twitter and send a Tweet to WhatsApp explaining your problem. To increase your chances of being noticed, ask your friends to retweet the tweet you shared. 📢

This will help your Tweet become more visible and increase your chances of getting a response from the official WhatsApp Twitter profile.

WhatsApp handle on Twitter: https://twitter.com/whatsapp

Create another WhatsApp account

Create new WhatsApp Account

If your WhatsApp account has been permanently banned and every attempt was in vain, the best thing to do is to create another WhatsApp account.

Podés registrarte en WhatsApp con tu número de teléfono secundario para evitar actividades prohibidas. WhatsApp también compartió una lista de mejores prácticas. Aquí están algunas de ellas:

  • Communicate with known contacts.
  • Using the functions of control of groups.
  • Do not use modified versions of WhatsApp.
  • Do not send automatic and repetitive messages.
  • Think twice before forwarding messages.
  • Ask for permission and respect the limits.
  • Do not share content that is considered illegal.

If you don't want to lose your WhatsApp account, follow these practices. You should use WhatsApp responsibly to avoid problems. 👍

Some Other Reasons Why You Can't Use WhatsApp

We have already highlighted the main reasons for account bans, but there are other less common reasons that can also cause problems. Here are some of them:

  • Outdated version of the WhatsApp application.
  • Network problems on your phone.
  • Incompatibility of WhatsApp with your phone.
  • Problems with account verifications.

These are less common reasons, but they should not be ignored. ⚠️

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why do I see the message 'This account cannot use WhatsApp'?

If you see the message 'This account cannot use WhatsApp', your phone number is banned. You will not be able to use that number on WhatsApp again. ❌

How long does a WhatsApp ban last?

The answer to this question depends on the severity of the violation. Depending on the severity, the ban can be permanent or last for a few hours or days, etc. ⏳

Can I create a new WhatsApp account if my old one was banned?

If your phone number is banned, You will not be able to create a new account using that number. You will need to use a different phone number to create an account. WhatsApp. 📞

So, these are some things you can do to fix the 'This account is not authorized to use WhatsApp' error. You can try the methods we shared to get your WhatsApp account unbanned. If you need further help to get your WhatsApp account unbanned, leave us a comment. 💬

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