Annual PC Maintenance

Annual PC Maintenance

Annual PC Maintenance

Annual PC Maintenance and Preventive

Tips for proper maintenance of my equipment

Many of our clients ask us, when they leave their equipment for repair or even when they pick up their repaired equipment, what recommendations we can give them to make their equipment last longer.

And yes, in the times we are living in now, all users who have a computer for domestic or professional use, want to extend its useful life. Because electronic equipment must be given the same “maintenance” and “prevention” as our health or our vehicle.

Obviously we get sick, the car needs a maintenance to avoid breakdowns and a computer often experiences the same thing as in the two previous examples.

In this new blog post of Master TrendWe are going to give you some guidelines on preventive maintenance and advice so that our team is by our side for as long as possible thanks to Annual Maintenance.

  • La gran mayoría de equipos que se usan habitualmente son dispositivos portátiles. Equipo pequeño, que puedo llevarlo conmigo a cualquier parte de nuestro hogar u oficina y seguir trabajando. Pero, ¿es bueno tener un equipo portable al que no damos uso de “portátil” y lo tengo siempre en la mesa con el cargador conectado? Muchos de nosotros pensamos que si lo desconecto me voy a quedar sin batería en cualquier momento y me tendré que esperar a que termine la carga para poder seguir trabajando. De esta forma, lo que estamos consiguiendo es «degrade battery life» long before.
    • The battery de un portátil está fabricada para dar uso al dispositivo entre 2 y 7 horas. Obviamente influyen muchos factores para que el desgaste de la misma sea mayor o menor.
  1. Dependerá del brillo que tengamos en la screen.
  2. The applications that we are using (it is not the same if we are browsing the internet, than editing a photograph with Photoshop)
  3. External screens that we have connected and the charger is not in our equipment.
    • Advice At this point it is, 2 or 3 times a week, do a discharge from the battery at least up to 20%, then reconnect it up to 80%. This way the battery doesn't get into the habit of always being at 100%.

We attach a small link with recommendations of Apple:

  • Another point that we have to take into account in the maintenance preventivo, es la ventilación de tu equipo. Si trabajamos en un ambiente con mucha humedad, polvo, animales de compañía o incluso somos personas que en la misma habitación también consumimos tabaco, eso perjudica bastante a nuestro equipo. Todo lo que hay en el ambiente, el propio conducto de ventilación lo absorbe y hace que nuestro ventilador se obstruya o incluso deje de funcionar. En el momento que detectemos que nuestro equipo se calienta más de lo normal, incluso que en la zona de las keys llegue a quemar, será necesario hacer una limpieza interna del equipo. Si si, interna, desmontado el dispositivo pieza por pieza, para limpiar el polvo que se haya generado en su interior. Siempre te recordaremos que esta tarea lo haga un profesional, porque cada vez las piezas son más delicadas y pequeñas y puede darse el caso que se genere durante el process cleaning static energy in some of the components, which can cause our equipment to stop working permanently. Wouldn't it occur to us to open and disassemble our washing machine? Don't do the same with your computer equipment.

Annual Maintenance – Our equipment needs more “pampering” and good internal maintenance for its proper functioning:

  • Continuing with the tips for your laptop and about the maintenance Preventive, another issue to take into account of a team is the health or maintenance of our storage unit (Hard Drive). For all of us, the information we have stored on our team is very important. Vital in many cases! Today's computers have a few hard drives called SSD Or FLASH. They are very fast and mean we don't have to wait so long to start or open a program. Fantastic, right? But beware, they are also hard drives with less storage capacity. And we all know each other. We go on working, filling the hard drive with information, until one day, bam! We have run out of space. It will probably coincide with some life-or-death information that we won't be able to store. And we get really nervous. How can we avoid these episodes?
    • Tenemos que hacer backups diarias, semanales o mensuales. No escatimes en copias. En el caso de Apple es muy sencillo ya que tenemos un programa dedicado a ello, llamado Time Machine. Solo necesitaremos conectar una unidad externa (recuerda que está unidad será única y exclusivamente para Time Machine-Apple) y dejar que la magia haga su efecto.  También tenemos la opción de almacenamiento en la nube (iCloud u otras plataformas, normalmente todas de pago). En Windows también hay herramientas que pueden hacer el mismo trabajo de copias de seguridad. ¡Pero ups! ¿Y si tenemos el disco duro lleno? No os preocupéis. Es un problema muy común. Trabajamos y trabajamos y no comprobamos el límite de capacidad de la unidad de almacenamiento. Si esto ocurre, un día reiniciaremos el Mac y se bloquea, con la “manzana” y una barra de procesos. Y en Windows, bloqueo, ¡letras blancas en inglés…un desastre!

Annual Maintenance – Indeed, not having your hard drive properly and up to date can cause the computer to NOT boot. And if we don’t have an updated backup copy we will undoubtedly go through a very “bitter” time…and critical in some cases.

  • At this point, we ask you another question with a million-dollar answer: does our device suffer greater wear and tear from always being idle or should I “turn it on and off” every time I use it? Our advice as professional IT Technicians is, 1- if you constantly use your computer, working, in consultations, etc., do not turn it off. We only recommend restarting the computer once a week to refresh its components, the RAM memory consumed or even update the equipment with a pending update. A laptop does not need to be turned off every day.

After these little tips for the maintenance of your equipment, we always recommend doing a checkup of your equipment annually. Remember that, at Master Trend, The diagnosis is completely freeWe will check all the vital points of your equipment to see if it is working correctly. We will give you recommendations and tips for improvement… And only you can decide if you want to invest in a “better life” for your device and perform Annual Maintenance.

We also remind you that we are Technical service specialized in notebooks.  All our technicians are certified to provide you with the best service. Don't worry if you have a rare brand of equipment. We serve all brands, both software and hardware And if any equipment needs a part change, we can request it from one of our suppliers.

Contáctanos, estaremos encantados de ayudarte con el Maintenance Anual de su equipamiento.

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1 year ago

Very good article, exactly what I was looking for.