Bitcoin Miners and Liquid Cooling

Bitcoin miners

Bitcoin miners

Bitcoin Miners Embrace Immersion Liquid Cooling

The consultant believes that over time this cooling solution will be used more and more.

It is no secret that large mining farms generate a lot of heat and the managers of these farms have been looking for ways to lower the temperature of their machines. Now they have apparently found a solution that can be almost definitive: use immersion in liquid cooling to cool the hardware.

This is because this type of cooling promises to be more efficient than those currently used, considerably reducing the overheating of mining machines and consequently, increasing your performance and profits. Nishant Sharma, founder of the mining consultancy BlocksBridge, told Bloomberg that the machines will be in systems that look like “a fish tank with machines inside. Sooner or later, all the big miners will do large-scale plunge mining.

Since 2018 it has been possible to have appointments with users who use this type of cooling system in their mining machines, but now big miners are starting to embrace this possibility too.

Mining Immersed Cooling

Immersion Cooled Data Center System / Credits: Gigabyte Disclosure

Bitcoin miners

An example of this is Riot Blockchain, a Texas company listed on nasdaq , which recently announced plans to build its first large-scale immersion-cooled Bitcoin mining facility. This new facility is expected have a total of 46,000 and have a total consumption of 20 MegaWatts of energy.

Large mining farms suffer from the development of cooling systems due to their operation, which is very Similar to large data centers. But as Tom's Hardware points out, the environment in which these servers is designed from the ground up to cool computers, while mining farms often occupy facilities that do not have this infrastructure, such as abandoned industries and warehouses.

This forces the large mining companies to find solutions for all the heat generated, which is often overheats the machine compromising its performance. Liquid cooling immersion may be a solution to help combat this while allowing miners to install more machines in the same environment, which makes up for any disadvantage in using this solution for them.

The best fluid solution for long-term use is not yet defined, but it is speculated that something like the 3M™ Novec™ 7100 Specialty Fluid may be an option.

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