How to disable 5G on cell phone: Secret trick 2025 😱

How to disable 5G on your cell phone: Save battery now! 🔋

How to disable 5G on your cell phone: Save battery now! 🔋

Before buying a smartphone, users usually check if the phone supports 5G. Although most phones today come with 5G enabled by default, there are those who prefer to disable it for various reasons.

Although 5G offers a higher speed than 4G, it has some drawbacks. Some of the most common reasons why users decide to turn off connectivity 5G are the drop in internet connection, high battery consumption and increased data usage. ⚡📉

If your phone supports 5G but you prefer not to use it, here's how to disable it on your Android and iPhone. 📱❌

How to Disable 5G on Your Android?

You can easily disable 5G on your Android phone changing settings from the SIM. Here we show you how to do it.

1. Open the app of Settings on your Android phone.

2. When the Settings app opens, tap on Mobile network or in SIM cards and mobile networks.

Mobile Network

3. Choose the SIM card that you use to connect to the grid 5G.

SIM card

4. Then, tap on the option Type of grid favorite.

Preferred network type

5. In the Preferred Network Type, select 4G/3G/2G (Auto) either LTE/LTE Only.

4G/3G/2G (Auto)

This will immediately disable 5G on your phone Android. From now on, you cell phone will only connect to the 4G network and will completely ignore 5G. 🎉

How to disable 5G on your iPhone?

The steps to disable 5G on an iPhone are completely different. If you want to disable 5G on your iPhone, follow these steps:

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone and tap on Mobile Services.

Mobile Services

2. In the Services screen Mobiles, tap on Mobile Data Options.

Mobile Services

3. Then, tap on Voice and Data.

Voice and Data

4. On the Voice & Data screen, select 4G either LTE.


Selecting 4G or LTE will immediately disable 5G on your iPhone. 📴

This Guide explains how to disable 5G on Android and iPhoneIf you want to reduce your phone's battery consumption, you can disable the 5G network completely. 🙌 Let us know if you need more help on this topic in the comments. 💬

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