Sign Out Other Users in Windows 11 - Quick and Easy! ⚡️

Sign Out Other Users in Windows 11: 3 Methods

Sign Out Other Users in Windows 11: 3 Methods 🔐

Switching between user accounts in Windows 11 is easy, but did you know you can sign out of a user account without switching accounts? 🤔 Yes, you can sign out of a Windows 11 account without signing in as that account! You don't need to sign in to the account of the user you want to sign out.

In Windows 11You can use Task Manager, Command Prompt, or PowerShell to log out of user accounts. So, if you often forget to log out of an account, here's how to do it. 🖥️✨

1. Log out other users from Task Manager

We will use the integrated tool of Windows Task Manager 11 To log out of other users, follow these simple steps below:

1. I wrote "Task Manager" in Windows Search 11. Then, I opened the application Task Manager from the list of best results.

Task Manager

2. When Task Manager opens, click on the navigation menu in the upper left corner.

Navigation menu

3. In the menu that appears, switch to the tab Users.


4. You will now be able to see all connected user accounts. right click in the user account you want to log out of and select Log out.

Log out

5. In the confirmation window, click the button Log out of user session.

Log out of user session

2. Sign out other users in Windows 11 using Command Prompt

In this method, we will use the command prompt tool to log out other users on Windows 11 computersHere are some simple steps to follow:

1. I wrote "Symbol of the "system" in Windows search 11. Then, right click on the command prompt and select Run as administrator.

Run Command Prompt as administrator

2. When the command prompt opens, run the command to view all connected users.

query session

query session

3. You will now see all the users connected in Windows 11. Take note of the ID number associated with the account you want to log out of.

4. Now run this command to log out of the user account:

logoff ID-Number

Important: I replaced ID-Number with the number associated with the user account.

log out of the user account

3. Sign out other users in Windows 11 using PowerShell

In this method, we are going to use the tool PowerShell to sign out other users in Windows 11. Follow these simple steps below:

1. Type "PowerShell" in the Windows 11 search. Then, right-click on PowerShell and select Run as administrator.Run as administrator

2. When PowerShell opens, run this command:

query session

query session

3. Now, in the command prompt, run the command to get your computer's name:



4. Once this is done, run this command replacing 'Computer_Name' with the name of the computer and 'User_Name' with the user you want to log out:

$sessionID = ((quser /server:'Computer_Name' | Where-Object { $_ -match 'User_Name' }) -split ' +')[2]


Important: Replace 'Computer_Name' and 'User_Name' in the command. For example, the final command would look like this:

$sessionID = ((quser /server:'DESKTOP-25QV20S' | Where-Object { $_ -match 'Appu' }) -split ' +')[2]

These are the best methods to log out other users in Windows 11 without switching accounts. You can log out of other connected accounts by following these steps every time you need to free up system resources. 🚀💻 Let us know if you need more help signing out of other user accounts in Windows 11.

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