20 great games for Intel or AMD integrated graphics

20 great games for integrated graphics

20 great games for integrated graphics

20 great games for Intel or AMD integrated graphics.

The evolution that the GPU has experienced over the last few years has been very interesting.

Its capabilities have clearly improved, and with the arrival of the new Radeon 680M there will be such a significant leap that we will see it as the line that divides the dedicated graphics resolutions, located in the low range, and those new built-in GPUs. will completely fade away.

With the Radeon 680M, AMD will take the lead in performance and will have to its credit the GPU inside much stronger than there is.

This will be possible thanks to the jump to the RDNA2 architecture, and the use of the DDR5 and LPDDR5 memories, which will allow the free bandwidth for the GPU to be increased inside.

These advancements will make it possible to play recent titles in 1080p with high quality and fluidity.

That new generation of AMD will also help end the stigma that a GPU inside is not used for playing.

It is true that we cannot wait for a GPU within the capacity to move a rigorous triple A title with high resolutions and maximum qualities, but There are many games that run without problems with this type of resolutions., and with which we will be able to enjoy hours and hours of fun.

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU 31

In the end, to enjoy a GPU inside We just need to understand which titles to choose, which games are going to work well and which games are not..

I know that some of our readers use computers for study and work that have built-in GPUs, and I also know that they like video games.

For this reason, I have decided to publish this guide where I will share with you 20 great games that you will be able to run without any problem with a GPU built in.

Since performance can vary greatly depending on the GPU we use inside, and the rest of the information on your device, in this article I will communicate the minimum requirements for each game focusing on the GPU inside suggested, as minimum perfect level, so that you have a much clearer idea of what you can expect on your PC or portable.

In each and every case You must have much more RAM memory of the defendant, since this is going to be used by the GPU.

As always, keep in mind that in the case of older and less powerful built-in GPUs, we will have to pull much lower resolutions to maintain good fluidity, and not all of the games on this list will run well at older resolutions, such as Intel HD 4000.

If you want a list of games focused on the built-in GPUs of Intel I invite you to check out this product.

Keep in mind that In each and every case we start from an internal GPU accompanied by RAM memory configured in dual channel.

This is key so that the internal GPU can work with a 128-bit memory bus, so that bandwidth does not seriously limit its performance.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments.

Which games run well with a GPU inside? 20 titles you shouldn't miss

1.-Guild Wars 2

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

Of the best games MMORPG (multiplayer online role-playing) type that exists at this very moment, and that provides a lot of content completely free of charge.

If we want to expand our adventure and access more content, we will always have the possibility of obtaining the extensions free (these are paid).

We can play it even with a low-capacity Intel GPU, such as the HD 4000 and 5000 series, but we will have to configure it in 720p and low quality if we want to maintain an acceptable fluidity. On the contrary, with a Radeon Vega 7 GPU We will enjoy a perfect experience in 1080p, as long as we adjust the graphic quality.

Minimum requirements (main game):

  • Windows 7.
  • Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2 64.
  • 4 GB RAM.
  • GPU within Intel Iris 5100 or higher.
  • 50 GB of free space.

2.-Wolfenstein The New Order

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

A title that is supported by the veteran idTech5 graphic engine, and that runs quite well even on a GPU inside Intel UHD 630, as long as we set it to 720p and low quality.

Of course, if we have a much stronger GPU inside, such as a Radeon Vega 7, we will be able to play it with higher resolution, quality and fluidity.

Personally, it is one of my favorite titles in the first-person action genre, and maintains an optimal technical finish despite the time he has behind him.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher.
  • Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2.
  • 4 GB RAM.
  • GPU within Intel UHD 630 or higher.
  • 50 GB of free space.

3.-Sleeping Dogs

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

It's a game has several things in common with the GTA license, although it is not a simple copy of that one, since it has a unique story, a different and very carefully controlled setting and shows us a personal gameplay that is reminiscent, for example, of the model of titles such as the Batman Arkham saga and Mad Max.

Highly recommended, and very accessible in terms of hardware, since it works without problems with an Intel UHD 630, as long as we adjust resolution and graphic quality to reasonable values (720p and medium quality is ideal with that GPU inside). It even works with an Intel HD 4000, but lowering the resolution to unacceptable levels (800 x 600).

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher.
  • Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2 at 2.4 GHz.
  • 2 GB RAM.
  • GPU inside Intel UHD 630.
  • 20 GB of free space.

4.-GTA V

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

A traditional that has aged spectacularly, and that was, since its arrival on PC, among the best games optimized and best rated. GTA V puts the great town of Los Beatos at our disposal, and maintains magnificent graphic quality for its time.

GTA V will run with pretty much any GPU built in, but the Intel HD 4000 can't quite sustain a balanced 30 FPS at 720p with everything on low, so you're better off running it on something a lot stronger, like an Intel UHD 630.

Minimum requirements:

5.-League of Legends

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

Considered by many to be the most notable MOBA out there today, although others believe that this title is a part of DOTA 2 on its own merits.

I won't get into that confrontation, but what I can tell you is that it is a very addictive and entertaining title, and that runs smoothly with a GPU inside.

However, the last changes introduced by RIOT Games They have increased the minimum requirements a bit, which we took into account in this guide. It plays well from an Intel HD 4600 in low resolutions and with low quality.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7.
  • First generation Core i3 or AMD FX-4100.
  • 2 GB RAM.
  • GPU inside Intel HD 4600, suggested an Intel UHD 630.
  • 12 GB of free space.

6.-Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

Before I go on, please note that I'm talking about the original, not the remastered edition. The latter also runs on a GPU inside, even on Intel models, but we will only get a dynamic experience at very low resolutions.

Hence, I have loved to integrate the original, since it is a title that is within reach of many individuals.

With an Intel HD 4000 we will be able to play it in 720p with everything on low, but the experience will not be totally good.

To play it in a really perfect way with a GPU inside you will need an Intel UHD 620 or 630.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7.
  • Pentium 4 at 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 2800.
  • 768 MB RAM.
  • GPU inside Intel HD 4000.
  • 8 GB of free space.


Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

It is found within the games multiplayer confronted much more popular and much more popular today, and also became one of Activision Blizzard's most essential series.

The charisma of its characters, combined with its incredible combination of MOBA and first-person action game and its careful gameplay, kept it at the top.

It is also a very accessible game, since we can play it without problems with very humble configurations, and yes, with a GPU inside, although Intel HD 4000 does not offer an acceptable experience, as they force us to reduce the resolution scale quite a bit, and this causes everything to look very pixelated.

The ideal minimum would be a Intel UHD 630.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7.
  • Core i3 or Phenom X3.
  • 4 GB RAM.
  • GPU inside Intel UHD 630.
  • 30 GB of free space.

8.-Batman: Arkham Asylum

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

It was the first installment of one of the best Batman franchises, and it is also the most accessible in terms of requirements.

Time has not passed in vain and of course its technical section is not at the level of much more recent releases, such as Batman: Arkham City, but lor compensates with considerably lower requirements.

We have the possibility to play it even with an Intel HD 4000, although reducing resolution and graphic quality.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7.
  • Intel Pentium 4 at 3 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3000+.
  • 2 GB RAM.
  • GPU inside Intel HD 4000.
  • 8 GB of free space.

9.-Mirror´s Edge

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

Another of my favorite games, and a huge misunderstood one. The parkour mechanics, the charisma of the main character and the incredible setting shape A truly unique title that you shouldn't miss.

Its second distribution is also very good, and runs quite well on a Radeon Vega 7 GPU.

The original is considerably more accessible, and we can play it from a Intel HD 4000 in 720p with low quality.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7.
  • 3 GHz processor.
  • 1 GB RAM.
  • GPU inside Intel HD 4000.
  • 8 GB of free space.

ten.-Demon III

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

While Demon III produced mixed reviews, the truth is that it is of the best online action role-playing games that we managed to find at this very moment.

Its graphic finish is nothing particularly advanced for the times we live in, but thanks to its artistic design it maintains a fairly attractive finish.

If we want to play it well with a GPU inside we will need an Intel UHD 630.

It runs on an Intel HD 4000, but the performance is not good, not with everything at minimum.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher.
  • Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2.
  • 2 GB RAM.
  • GPU inside Intel UHD 630.
  • 25 GB of free space.

11.-Tomb Raider (2013)

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

The distribution that arrived in 2013 It was an intergenerational title, which made its requirements quite accessible and, in the end, it ended up working without problems even in PCs little powerful.

Despite all this, its graphical quality is still quite good.

We have the possibility to play it with an Intel HD 4000 and enjoy an acceptable experience.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher.
  • Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2.
  • 2 GB RAM.
  • GPU inside Intel HD 4000.
  • 12 GB of free space.

12.-Resident Evil 2 Remake

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

With Resident Evil 2 Remake Capcom managed to shape one of the best remakes in history, and also to among the best games optimized of the current generation, so much so that we can play it fluidly using an internal GPU and enjoy excellent graphic quality.

We have the possibility to run it with an Intel UHD 630, but downscaling the resolution to a fairly low level.

It is much more rigorous than all the titles we have seen to date, but it works well from a GPU inside Radeon Vega 7. 

Previous games, such as Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 4, are much less rigorous.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher.
  • Core i3 2000 or FX 4100.
  • 8 GB RAM.
  • GPU inside Radeon Vega 7.
  • 26 GB of free space.

13.-Streets of Rage 4

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

I'm sure that more than one person will have been surprised, especially because the minimum requirements for this game indicate information that completely ignores the built-in GPUs, but the truth is that it is not at all rigorous, and that it works well even on a modest Intel UHD 4000, although To enjoy 60 FPS we will need an Intel UHD 630.

Streets of Rage 4 is one of the best beat'em ups that came to PC, so I highly recommend it, especially if you like the genre.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher.
  • Core 2 Duo E8400 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+.
  • 4 GB RAM.
  • GPU inside Intel UHD 4000.
  • 8 GB of free space.

14.-The Evil Within

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

I think so as of the best games of terror of all history, and on their own merits.

The use of matches to prevent our opponents from rising again is brilliant, and the setting and variety of levels are at an outstanding level.

On the other hand, the technical section is also really good, although the lighting and shadow effects stand out particularly.

With a GPU inside Intel UHD 630 we are going to have a weak, although "acceptable" experience, in 720p and low quality due to a fluidity issue, but from a Radeon Vega 7 we will be able to play it in a completely perfect way.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7.
  • Intel Core 2 Quad or AMD FX 4300.
  • 4 GB RAM.
  • GPU inside Intel UHD 630. Suggested Radeon Vega 7.
  • 50 GB of free space.

15.-Metal Gear Rising Revengeance

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

A "spin-off" of the main saga that is quite interesting, since bets on much more furious action, and also because we embody a Raiden so "over the top" that he is able to cut into two giant robots with his katana.

Highly recommended, especially if you enjoy the genre, and very accessible, since runs fine on an Intel UHD 630, and in an acceptable way with an Intel HD 4000 at 720p with everything on low.

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7.
  • Intel Core i5 or AMD Phenom II X4 955.
  • 2 GB RAM.
  • GPU inside Intel HD 4000. Suggested a UHD 630.
  • 25 GB of free space.

If you have an AMD Radeon GPU you will be able to enjoy many more games

Twenty games you can enjoy with an integrated GPU

I could go on to make a much longer list if I focused on a much stronger minimum base, such as the GPU inside the Radeon Vega 7.

This graphical solution provides quite good performance as long as we move in 720p resolution in the case of recent games with higher requirements, although in games from previous generations, and in less demanding titles, we can still play in 1080p.

20 great games for integrated graphics

With it we could also move without problem great games like:

  1. Fallout 4.
  2. Dark Souls 3.
  3. Forza Horizon 5.
  4. DOOM 2016.
  5. Halo The Master Chief Collection.

Read also : How to build a gaming PC.

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