Guide to Block Websites in Google Chrome

How to Block Websites in Google Chrome Browser

How to Block Websites in Google Chrome Browser

Google Chrome could be named the king of browsers, as it is one of the most popular and complete. Handling various aspects of website browsing, storing data, downloading, etc., is really easy in Chrome. 👑

Let's face it, there are times when we want to block certain websites. These sites can be of different types, such as adult, spam, or just a waste of time. By default, Chrome doesn't allow you to block websites, but there are a few ways to do it. 🚫

So, in this article, we decided to share the best ways to block any website on Google Chrome. Let’s get started! 🚀

Block Websites from your computer

One of the best ways to block a specific site is by editing the hosts file. Here's how to block websites using the Hosts file in Windows.

1. Abre el Explorador de Archivos y navega a la carpeta Windows > System32 > drivers > etc.

Double click on the etc folder

2. Click the view button on the top bar and select Show > Hidden Items.

3. Double click on the file hosts and select Notepad to open it.

Select Notepad

4. Supongamos que deseas bloquear Para hacerlo, agrega una línea al final del archivo hosts. La línea que necesitas añadir es:

5. Once you're done, click on File > Save to save the hosts file.

Click the File button and select the 'Save' option

6. You can add as many web pages as you want to the hosts file. Make sure that the web address in the file is appear after

7. To unblock the site, delete the line you added and save the file or you can add # at the beginning of the line to convert the syntax into a comment, which will unblock the site. 🙌

delete the line you added

You can block websites on your computer using the hosts file. Sites you block will not load in any web browser. 🔒

Block Websites Using Firewall in Windows 11

También puedes usar el Firewall de Windows 11 para bloquear sitios web en tu navegador Chrome. Solo necesitas establecer una regla de firewall para bloquear sitios web. 🚧

The good thing about this method is that you can add as many sites as you want to the block list.

Block Websites Using Block Site Extension

Es uno de los mejores bloqueadores de sitios para Chrome. La extensión ayuda a los usuarios a mantenerse concentrados al bloquear sitios que distraen. 🛑

With Block Site, you can easily block any distracting or harmful sites. Here's how to use the Block Site extension to block certain sites in Chrome.

1. Download and Install Block Site Extension from Google Chrome from here.

Install Block Site Extension from Google Chrome

2. Once downloaded, the browser will display a popup. Click on Add Extension.

Click on 'Add Extension'

3. Once added, you will see the Block Site icon.

4. Now, visit the site you want to block. Click on the icon and then select Block This Site.

Block This Site

5. To unblock the site, click Edit list of blocked sites. Each of your blocked sites will have a icon less. Click the icon to unlock the site. 🔓

To unblock websites, remove the URLs from the 'Block Site' settings

This is how you can use the Block Site extension to block certain sites from the Google Chrome browser. 🌐

Other Chrome Extensions to Block Websites

Existen muchas extensiones de Google Chrome disponibles en la tienda para bloquear sitios web. Estas extensiones son muy fáciles de configurar. Solo debes instalarlas en tu navegador Chrome y añadir las URLs a la lista de bloqueo. 🔍


Es una extensión de productivity para Google Chrome que te ayuda a mantenerte enfocado en el trabajo, limitando el tiempo que puedes pasar en sitios web que te hacen perder el tiempo.

You can add sites to the blocked list, which will not be accessible for the rest of the day. ⏳


FocusGuard is a Chrome extension that lets you focus on important work and block distractions.

Basically, it's a site blocker extension that lets you set a time limit for distracting websites.

Una vez que alcanzas el límite, la extensión bloquea automáticamente el sitio. ¡://» alt=»Website Blocker (Beta)» width=»815″ height=»476″ data-lazy-=»» />

If you are looking for a Chrome extension to help you focus on your work, Website Blocker (Beta) might be the best option for you. 💼

Did you know? Website Blocker (Beta) allows users to block URLs, including specific text strings. Not only that, it also allows you to schedule a time to block sites! 📅

This guide was about how to block websites in Google Chrome. I hope you found this article helpful! Share this with your friends. 🤝

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